Fire Prevention System

Fire Prevention System

A full range of fire protection systems that will improve the safety of your property.

Our company provides fire protection systems such as: water-based, gas-based, foam-based, powder-based and wet chemical systems.

Water immersion system

It is one of the special systems of the automatic sprinkler system. It is a group of open sprinkler heads, connected to a network of pipes that are fed with water from a suitable water source. The flow of water through these heads is controlled by an automatic quick-opening valve, which is the water immersion valve, which opens when the water is turned on. Fire alarm system (based on fire detectors, gas detectors, or automatic thermal sprinkler heads installed in the same area to be protected) Water rushes from all heads at a density, speed, and pressure that have been determined in advance to deal with the fire according to the required purpose.

Gas-based extinguishing systems

Gas firefighting equipment uses an advanced, latest generation compound capable of ensuring many, many environmental advantages in many areas of application (onshore or offshore) compared to traditional “clean agent” gases or CO2.

Inert gas system

An inert gas is a colorless, odorless, non-conductive gas with a density close to that of air itself. The inert gas is stored as a compressed gas inside a cylindrical assembly. “When discharged into a protected space, it is clear with no visual disturbance. It leaves no residue, zero ozone depletion potential, and zero global warming potential.”

Wet chemical fire extinguishing system

Wet chemical fire suppression systems for kitchens of all sizes. Kitchens are high-risk environments where fires can have a significant impact on life and business.

Dry powder extinguishing system

The system is capable of automatic fire detection, and if the presence of a fire is detected, the system is activated either manually or automatically with the cartridge cylinder valve operated. This process compresses and liquefies the dry chemical fire extinguishing agents in a tank, ruptures the blast disc when the desired pressure is reached and forces the dry chemicals through a network of distribution hose lines (manually operated) or through fixed nozzles and into protected areas, Which works to put out the fire.

Foam-based extinguishing systems

We offer foam based extinguishing systems to meet the requirements of our clients in the fire fighting industry.


شركة متميزة في مجال تصنيع وتعبئة معدات مكافحة الحرائق. نستخدم أحدث التقنيات وأكثر المحترفين خبرة من أجل تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية لعملائنا والتي تكون فعالة وموثوقة

تواصل معنا

مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع معدات إطفاء الحرائق المتنوعه - العامرية - الإسكندرية
مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع المسحوق الكيماوي الجاف ( بودرة إطفاء الحرائق ) - ميت غمر - المنصورة