Passive Fire Protection

Passive Fire Protection

Implement fire-resistant coatings that are applied to the load-bearing components of a structure to prevent their destruction in a fire and save time for escape or fire services. In this system, by applying a fire-resistant coating to the structure that prevents it from disintegrating due to high temperature, so that sufficient time is provided to eliminate the fire as well as to provide fire-fighting services. The non-operational system is designed and applied to protect metal and concrete structures. By applying this system, the temperature of the structure will not reach the temperature level that will cause the steel to bend and fall or cause the concrete structure to disintegrate. Passive fire protection systems are used as a complement to active fire protection systems.

Heat-inflated paint

The primary purpose of intumescent coatings is to provide an insulating barrier between the fire and the structural steel. The insulating wall is necessary to ensure the safe performance of the structural steel components at the expected temperatures during fires in their advanced stages. Intumescent coatings can provide up to 120 minutes of fire protection.

Heat resistant cement paint

Gypsum-based fire-resistant cementitious paint has excellent physical properties for architectural and interior applications and can provide up to 4 hours of fire protection.

Smoke-proof curtains

Smoke curtains prevent the passage of smoke by creating a barrier against the spread of smoke. These curtains can be deployed either permanently or automatically as soon as a fire is detected. They are usually installed in commercial properties such as shopping malls, airports, aircraft and cargo hangars, etc. They are also generally installed in such a way as to push rising smoke into the ventilation systems.

Fire resistant curtains

Fire-resistant curtains are one of the fire protection measures, as they become effective in the event of a fire by creating a fire-resistant barrier that protects and separates part of the building from the losses that may result. It also prevents the spread of fire from one area to another.

شركة متميزة في مجال تصنيع وتعبئة معدات مكافحة الحرائق. نستخدم أحدث التقنيات وأكثر المحترفين خبرة من أجل تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية لعملائنا والتي تكون فعالة وموثوقة

تواصل معنا

مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع معدات إطفاء الحرائق المتنوعه - العامرية - الإسكندرية
مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع المسحوق الكيماوي الجاف ( بودرة إطفاء الحرائق ) - ميت غمر - المنصورة