

Firefighting team management is considered the backbone of the organization's occupational safety and health management. It is responsible for leading the firefighting, rescue, and ambulance teams on standby in all departments of the organization, and developing emergency plans and evacuation exercises, which are a vital part of the necessary requirements to ensure protection and safety for workers, buildings, and facilities. Leading and coordinating firefighting teams and the safe implementation of firefighting operations leads to the availability of sufficient and appropriate capabilities and equipment necessary to confront all fire cases and the availability of work groups trained and capable of carrying out the tasks required in each case.

Please contact us to determine the number of trainees and the designated places

Firefighting in buildings

Disaster Commander

Use of fire extinguishers

Fire inspection

Awareness of industrial fires

Awareness of hazardous materials

شركة متميزة في مجال تصنيع وتعبئة معدات مكافحة الحرائق. نستخدم أحدث التقنيات وأكثر المحترفين خبرة من أجل تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية لعملائنا والتي تكون فعالة وموثوقة

تواصل معنا

مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع معدات إطفاء الحرائق المتنوعه - العامرية - الإسكندرية
مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع المسحوق الكيماوي الجاف ( بودرة إطفاء الحرائق ) - ميت غمر - المنصورة