Pumps & Controllers

Pumps & Controllers

The fire pump is the beating heart of the fire-fighting system because it is the one that pushes water into the system's pipes with the required flow and pressure.

The fire pump set must consist of three pumps:

Main pump

The main pump is a pump connected to its electric motor (motor), and they must be balanced on one base to avoid any vibrations when operating.

Backup pump

The backup pump is a pump powered by a diesel engine (generator), and its name is that it is a backup pump for the electric pump, so that when any malfunction occurs in it or any electrical malfunction, there is an alternative pump to push the water so that the fire fighting system works efficiently.

Jockey pump

It is a small pump that compensates for slight pressure losses in the network. There must be operating and control panels for the pumps and they are set according to the order in which these pumps operate.

شركة متميزة في مجال تصنيع وتعبئة معدات مكافحة الحرائق. نستخدم أحدث التقنيات وأكثر المحترفين خبرة من أجل تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية لعملائنا والتي تكون فعالة وموثوقة

تواصل معنا

مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع معدات إطفاء الحرائق المتنوعه - العامرية - الإسكندرية
مصنع ڤينيسيا لتصنيع المسحوق الكيماوي الجاف ( بودرة إطفاء الحرائق ) - ميت غمر - المنصورة